Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Little Breast Implant History ...

It first started in 1890, yes; I couldn't believe it either when I first read it. That was the time when the first surgical breast implant procedure was carried out by using paraffin injections.

Paraffin injections were directly injected into the breast. This was widely used by women all over, but with time, the complications came to light. Paraffin injections did achieve breast augmentation, but it also led to many complications such as infections and lump formations in the breast.

Complications with this earliest attempt in the history of breast implants soon led to the use of fat transplants in the 1920's. Extra fat from the belly or buttock areas were surgically cut, and the fat tissues were then transferred into the breast. This too was not successful as the body soon absorbed the fat and left the breasts saggy, lopsided and lumpy. This transplantation procedure took birth in the 1920's and was given up in the 1940's.

Subsequently, during World War II, Japanese prostitutes tried breast implants to attract American servicemen; they did this by simply injecting silicone injections into the breast, much like the paraffin injections 50 years earlier.

Silicone is both extremely tempting aesthetically and among the most debated materials in the history of breast implants. But this too did not last for long as the complications of chronic inflammation, infections, and lumps made these WWII era silicone breast implants fall out of favor also.

The modern history of breast implants begins in 1962 when a silicone packet filled with silicone gel was used for breast implants for the first time in history.

The checkered history of breast implants is full of progress and obstacles, but the new silicone implants altered the history of breast implants forever. They are now favored and embraced by women and cosmetic surgeons everywhere.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Breast Implants, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding

Breast implants will not be a problem during your pregnancy; however, breastfeeding will create some challenges. Breastfeeding with breast implants can be very painful and the ability for your baby to nurse can be impaired. Some women work around it, while others opt for formula to avoid breastfeeding.

If you would like to breastfeed and you have implants, you will need to closely monitor your milk output. You may have to supplement with formula.

When your breast implants are done there are two methods. The one cuts around your areola, which is the dark part around your nipple. This results in cut milk ducts and cuts to major nerves.

The other method makes the incision under the breast. If you have not yet had your procedure and you are thinking you may have children in the future, you should consider option number two.

Your breasts may produce adequate milk but because of the implant, the milk can't pass through the ducts that have been damaged and reach the nipple. You milk production can also be affected when the areola or nipple nerves are damaged. The signal that is sent to the brain to release milk can be damaged when the nerves are cut so the message is never received and therefore the milk never flows.

If you have silicone breast implants or you are considering them, you need to know that there are concerns about the silicone leaking into the milk supply. You need to discuss this with your doctor.

You can always supplement your baby with a formula mix to ensure he or she is getting enough nourishment while still enjoying the bonding experience from nursing.

There are always ways to find a solution.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Are You Ready For A Breast Lift?

Are the "girls" a little droopy this day? Why not consider a breast lift? A breast lift can have the breasts perked up in no time. It will improve the overall look of your breasts in many different ways.

A breast lift will raise the breast tissue and reposition both the areola, which is the pigmentation around the nipple, and reposition the nipple. If your areola has stretched over the years, this can be reduced.

If you decide that you'd like to increase the size of your breasts, it's no problem. Your surgeon will position a breast implant for the most aesthetically pleasing result. A breast lift can improve the overall look of your breast, but it can't add volume, so you may want both procedures if your budget can take it. Both procedures can be done at the same time.

There are different breast lift techniques that can be used, and your surgeon will decide what is right for you.

The limited scar technique is commonly used. With this technique the incision will be made around the areola and another incision will run vertically from the bottom of the areola to the crease that is under your breast.

Finally, the last incision will be horizontal under the breast. Sometimes the horizontal incision isn't needed.

Your breast lift can give your body a refreshing, youthful appearance, and with today's advances, just about anyone can afford to have the procedure done.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Botox For Breast Augmentation

If you would like to have bigger breasts but aren’t really comfortable with breast augmentation surgery, you might be surprised to discover that Botox might be just what you need.

For some time Botox has been used to treat involuntary muscle spasms in diseases such as cerebral palsy and it’s also used to remove fine lines and wrinkles from the face. Now plastic surgeons have started to use Botox for effects that resemble breast augmentation. Your plastic surgeon will inject the Botox into your chest muscle right between your breasts and your shoulders.

Botox works by weakening the frontal chest muscles, thus enhancing the effect of the stronger back muscles. This gives sagging breast a lift. Patients report that it improves their posture, and makes it more difficult to slouch. Women who have had the treatment say it pulls you straight, giving a lift of more than 1.5 cms.

Okay, now that I’ve got your interest, there’s a few catches to a Botox breast augmentation. First, it works only on women with small breasts; second, the effects are short term lasting around 3 months.

Most plastic surgeons scorn the use of Botox for breast enhancements, but some adventurous doctors are experimenting with patients approval for a quality database for further study.

We agree that Botox for breast enhancement is an innovative idea,and it should be considered after much study and qualified analysis.